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[헌시] 황원규 강릉원주대학교 교수
2017-02-16 16:30:40

                                 In Honor of a Great Dreamer

                                                                       황원규 강릉원주대 교수

There was a man who dreamed a fair world.

A world without injustice

Where people live on ethics.

There was a man who dreamed a unified nation.

A nation without demarcation

Where people live on democracy.

There was a man who dreamed a civilized society.

A society without ignorance

Where people live on intelligence.

There was a man who dreamed a cooperative community.

A community without indolence

Where people live on diligence.

His dream is yet to be made,

But it comes a step closer with his dream.

One chilly winter day

On a day of full-moon

Park sailed into the ocean where no dreams are interrupted.

The dream he dreamt will be a dream for the generation left.

But he must dream his dream won't be a dream forever.

So he will be happy to be forgotten.

But he will be remembered as a great dreamer who dreamed what we can't.

'Cause we know how boring is the world without dream.

'Cause we know how dangerous is the world without dream.

So he will be remembered.


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